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Tech Under Motion (Tum) QR Codes

Smart , Dynamic & Customizable. Not your ordinary QR Codes.

How it works

Our software operates on a SaaS model, allowing users to access it conveniently through a web browser without the need for installations or downloads.

Create your templates

Customize the screens according to your business model and branding.

Unlimited colors, backgrounds, usage styles (business cards, window – product QRs, brochures, yard signs etc.)

Enter your data

Assign the QR codes you created in the system.

For example one for the business cards, sales people, window sticker, etc.

Print and manage your QRs

Update and track your QR content from your panel.

You can update the content of your QRs from the panel. You don’t need to re-create and print our QR again.


  • QR codes with employee logins: display more data and let your employees fill out forms in the field.

  • Dynamic admin panel lets you build multiple templates (business cards, public QR codes, categorized machine & vehicle maintenance and tracking forms, tradeshow QRs and more) using drag and drop enabled templates.

  • We offer top-level security. Your data is backed up and stored on Microsoft Cloud servers in different geographical locations.

  • Tum Qr works compatible with all smart devices. No mobile app installation required.


With our continuously evolving feature pool, you can enhance your QR codes by adding smart QR objects to them. Dynamic admin panel lets you build multiple templates (business cards, public QR codes, categorized machine & vehicle maintenance and tracking forms, tradeshow QRs and more) using drag and drop enabled template.

Dynamic Content

Drag and drop dynamic QR content fields from the panel.

Media Content

Link to all kinds of visual and video content.


Add location map links to your buttons.

Social Media

Integrate all communication channels.


Make your email addresses functional.


Create your vCard and add as a button.

Custom Links

Create custom links to your shops, stores, downloadable products.

Active Reporting

Create reports based on your needs from the cloud panel.


Track the information of your device/products/pets.

Built-in Forms

Create forms such as service, maintenance, processes, records, including operations.

ERP/CRM Integration

Integrate with your own software.

Inventory Tracking

Integrate your inventory.

Role Based Content

Login/role based access to specific content and functionality.

Field Staff Tracking

Personalized content and functionality for your field personnel.

White Labeling

Use your own domain name and API Integration.